pple details how third-party app stores and payments will work in Europe

Apple is making major changes to the App Store and other core parts of iOS in Europe in response to new European Union laws. Beginning in March, Apple will allow users within the EU to download apps and make purchases from outside of its App Store. The company is already testing many of these changes in its iOS 17.4 beta, which is available now to developers.

Apple has long resisted many of these changes, arguing that it would leave users susceptible to scams, malware and other privacy and security issues. But under the EU’s Digital Markets Act, which goes into effect March 7, major tech companies like Apple are required to make significant changes to their businesses.

In a statement, Apple’s Phil Schiller made clear that the company still believes some of these changes, like opening up its App Store, will pose a risk to users. “The changes we’re announcing today comply with the Digital Markets Act’s requirements in the European Union, while helping to protect EU users from the unavoidable increased privacy and security threats this regulation brings,” he said.


This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/pple-details-how-third-party-app-stores-and-payments-will-work-in-europe-183931334.html?src=rss