Know News for Android


Know News — Know News, Is Good News! GET IT HERE TODAY!

Enjoy this simplified News Reader where the app does a lot of the tedious work for you. It also READS the News to you!

This app reads you the latest headlines, or the full story.

You can also “Speed Read” through your news with the ReadFast Speed Reader, right in the app!


Read the latest News Stories based on the interests that you set.

Read Local News feed to you based on the location you’re interested in.

Read your Tweets in a simple list.

Or Enjoy stories that are presented to you based on what you’ve read in the Follow-ups section.

You can also see the latest stories for each of the above sections, and save them for later, when you’re free to read them.

Ever wanted to read a news story, but couldn’t at that moment? The Know News READminder tool will help you out by letting you set a reminder to read that story later. You will get your alert when it’s time to read your saved stories.

Tags: Know News, READminder, ReadFast, Speed Reading, facebook paper, pocket, feedly, flipboard, read it later, remind to read later