Beyond 2022 live: Analytics and cloud news, product updates, and uncovering the data driven power shift

TechRadar Pro is live in Las Vegas to report all the key updates from Beyond 2022, where this year’s theme is centered around dominating the decade of data.

This morning’s session kicks off with an opening keynote session by ThoughtSpot CEO, Sudheesh Nair, who identifies the massive wave of change set to happen in the next decade, with data at the core of it all.

We’ve heard of space-based manufacturing and the metaverse, but even deeper than this is the 2.5 quintillion bytes of data that will be produced, causing a huge power shift driven by data.

For all the latest updates from Beyond 2022, keep refreshing our live blog over the next two days.

ThoughtSpot CEO Sudheesh Nair kicking off the keynotes in Las Vegas

(Image credit: Future)

Incoming… Beyond 2022 opening keynotes

ThoughtSpot’s CEO Sudheesh Nair takes center stage with opening notes addressing just how impactful data will be over the next decade. 

There’s already lots of new product launches from the company for its customers to bring the modern analytics cloud to their products and services.

Through the use of cloud, ThoughtSpot is planning on transforming how their employees and customers take advantage of data.