Feeble humans prove no match for OpenAI’s Dota 2 gods

The OpenAI team that’s been developing artificially intelligent agents who can play Dota 2 better than the pros decided to open access to amateur gamers to compete against its technology. The outcome has been predictably soul-crushing for anyone who is still enthusiastic about human intelligence. In 7,257 matches between humans and the OpenAI Five, the AI won 4,075 games, the humans abandoned (i.e., admitted defeat) 3,140 times, and a meager 42 games ended in the AI losing. That’s a win rate of 99.4 percent.

Fresh off their victory against reigning Dota 2 champion team OG, the OpenAI developers felt confident enough in the robustness of their agents to let laypeople interact with the AI. Aside from a competitive humans vs. AI mode, the…

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